

Drop in replacement for ResizeObserver as a React hook.


  • Subscribe to size changes for the given target
  • Full TypeScript support
  • Cleans up observer subscription on unmount
  • Reuses observer - calling the same hook multiple times will reuse the same observer instance saving memory

Example usage

Detect window width changes and show modal that spans full screen.

import { useResizeObserver } from '@kickass-coderz/hooks'
const Component = () => {
    const [width, setWidth] = useState(0)
    useResizeObserver(document.body, ([entry]) => {
    return (
        {width > 0 && (
          <div style={{ position: 'absolute', width }} />

Usage with React ref

As this is a React hook we also support passing React ref as a target directly.

import { useResizeObserver } from '@kickass-coderz/hooks'
const Component = () => {
    const [width, setWidth] = useState(0)
    const ref = useRef()
    useResizeObserver(ref, ([entry]) => {
    return <div ref={ref} />

Memory optimization

As said above, useResizeObserver reuses observer instance to save memory. So calling the hook multiple times will not create new ResizeObserver instance. It achives this by attaching callbacks for different targets inside the callbacks Map. This Map is then checked when change is detected for the target and each registered callback is called sequentially.